Today I finally started the critically acclaimed show, Boardwalk Empire (based on the book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City.) The show recounts the life of Enoch L. Johnson, the corrupt treasurer of Atlantic City, who was a key player in the bootlegging industry during the prohibition era. The show, set in the twenties, spares no expense when it comes to costumes- and they are some of the most inspiring I've seen!
I've got the twenties on the about you?
I love the 20s myself. Short flowing flapper dresses, the cloche hats-many of which wouldn't fit my huge head. The bow-shaped lips. The straight-edge wavy bobs. Very nice!
I love the 20s myself. Short flowing flapper dresses, the cloche hats-many of which wouldn't fit my huge head. The bow-shaped lips. The straight-edge wavy bobs. Very nice!