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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Style Story: Samantha Combs

  I saw Samantha in my art history class and immediately noticed her eclectic style. Her unique look is identified by her wild and wonderful hair, which is often adorned with homemade bows and brightly colored beads. Her outfits look as though she sifted through a pile and put on everything she could get her hands on, and it all worked toegether. It turns out after talking to her, that this is more or less the process.
      However, don’t mistake this carefree attitude for lack of thought behind her look. In fact, Samantha has a fashion philosophy that is more thought out than most. She described it to me as a sort of lyrical balance within her outfits. For example, if she is wearing a flowy skirt, she’ll pair it with a tight or cropped shirt, and vice versa. She also plays with color in a similar way. If she has color in her shoes and a fairly neutral outfit, she might add some color in her hair. Sweater from a head shop, pants from Target, shoes from a friend.
Most of Samantha’s bracelets are from concerts. “Anytime I put a bracelet on, I just leave it on until it falls off!”
This “timeless watch” was made for Samantha when she modeled for a friend’s thesis art project as Athena.
“Do you like my watch? It’s timeless…”
Dress from tattoo parlor, vest from Forever 21.
Recognize this jacket? It was featured in this Typographie post, where I first got a chance to talk to Samanta!
Shirt from thrift store, belt came with a pair of capris, pants from a head shop, hat bought in Maine on vacation.
“I like to dress really tacky sometimes!”
Samanthat’s favorite poet is Dylan Thomas.
Her favorite artist (currently) is Joan Mitchell.

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